Hassan Shahbazi


My name is Hassan, but my friends call me Dani/Däni too. I am a Software/DevOps Engineer from Finland and I work for WithSecure (Formerly F-Secure Business). I love building large-scale applications.

I have hands-on experiences in designing, deploying, and managing scalable, highly available, and fault-tolerant systems on AWS. Working with cloud infrastructure has equipped me with a deep understanding of cloud services and architecture, which I believe will be invaluable in addressing the challenges inherent in the cloud.

$find . -name 'Hassan Shahbazi'

  GitHub Medium Linkedin Twitter

$git send-email --to


$git log -5

   Save the day with git bisect  
   New Career, New Journey  
   Kernel Crash Fixed! Lessons Learned  
   Kernel Patches  
   A New Era  

$head -5 my-mind

   From Mobile to Cloud. A Journey of a Software Engineer  
   About Standards in Software  
   On Meditation Leave - Until 2022 Jan 1st